Tag Archives: summer

Shake it up, baby

The famous milkshake from the famous Coney Island Grill, St Pete.

It’s officially Summer. And for some odd reason, milkshakes seem  to be popping up all over the place whether I want them to, or not. Steak & Shake has a coupon circulating for buy one, get one free peach or strawberry shakes. My son asked me if I had a spare blender he could use in his apartment expressly for milkshake-making (I did so happen to have a spare).  I see lots of people walking around with big, thick Styrofoam cups of cold goodness. At each supermarket I venture to, ice cream seems to be selling big. And to top this shake-y weirdness off, of late, I had a dream the other night about a batido de mamey – which, I’m sorry to admit, have never actually tried but would love to.

See, I’m not much of an ice cream eater. I used to be. I just don’t get all excited over ice cream that much anymore. I’ve been in search of Creamsicles lately, which I can’t seem to find. Cold orange ice on a stick seems much more practical (and lower in fat) to me. But milkshakes slowly seem to be wending their way into my subconscious. It is really hot out, after all – will I give in or not? (Probably.)

What is your favorite flavor milkshake, and from where?